Inside Mount

Note: When production, it will have a small deduction automatically to ensure a proper installation for the inside mount

Measure Depth

Measure the depth of the window frame, beginning at the front of the window. A minimum 2.45 inch depth is required for the Inside Mount, or the valance will extend from beyond the window frame.

If there are special fixtures (such as levers or cranks), opting for an outside mount is recommended.

Measure Width

To make it more accurate, measure the window's width from left to right three times: the top, middle, and bottom of the window.

If these measurements differ, use the shortestmeasurement of the three as your window width.

Measure Height

Measure the window’s height from top to bottom in three places: left, center, and right of the window

If these measurements differ, use the longest measurement of the three as your window height.

Outside Mount

Note: It will have no deductions taken at the factory. They will be made according to your exact measurements.

Measure Top Space

Measure the clearance above your window frame to ensure that you have at least 2” of flat vertical space to install Valance.

Measure Width

Measure the window frame’s width from left to right or how wide you would like the blind to be. Add 1.5-3 inches for each side (3-6 inches total overlap) to ensure light control and privacy.

Measure Height

Measure the window frame’s height from top to bottom or how high you would like the blind to be. And add at least 3” of overlap to ensure the best light gap coverage and privacy.

Brackets Size